Persone DottorandiFattacciu Irene
Fattacciu Irene
Nome: Irene
Cognome: Fattacciu
Tutor: prof. Marco Bontempi
Email: irene.fattacciu(at)
30° ciclo in Mutamento Sociale e Politico, Università degli Studi di Torino, Università degli Studi di Firenze,
Titolo Tesi | PhD Thesis :
Biculturalismo e coppie miste in Italia: intersezioni di razza, genere e classe nell'esperienza della genitorialità
Interessi scientifici / Scientific interests
- Race, gender and nationalism between Europe and the Americas since the 19th century until Today.
- Circulation of goods, people and ideas (in particular exotic staples) between Europe, Africa and the Spanish colonies (17th - 19th century), political economy of consumption.
- History and Sociology of Consumption with a focus on forms of globalization, cultural exchange and sustainability in a diachronic perspective.
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